Android Question Sql inicialize and msgbox


Licensed User
Using b4a for the very first time and developing a database module ( to hide complexity) i had a first problem with method inicialize . I have a database in /extsd/bases_exp/pupils_ejaf.db.
Using inicialize method of sql the program does not see that database and if (in the last parameter i put true to create if it does not exits) the database is created!
however if i rename that database to say for exemple "pupilsejaf" without the underscore then inicialize do recognize it and open! why?
Another problem is when i make a realease version of the program. At compile time nothing wrong (in debug or realease mode). in debub mode the program works. i write a class number, click a button that has the task to fill a mcombobox with the names of pupils. however in realease mode, after writing the class number and click the button to fill i'v got the message "the app stop responding ok....".
But if i use a msgbox just before the call to inicialze then the program works???? why?


Licensed User
Can you post the initialization code? Make sure to call this sub from Service_Create of the Starter service.
i've got the answer.
to work with b4a (because of the not fount entry point error) i had to put sdk 16.01;
with debug, the program worked well;
with release ( and as i've got sdk 16 so less then 19) i need to explicity give permission to the program to read/write the database which is in a extsd.
so now it work!
however i still do not undrestand why i need to put sdk 16 to b4a to work ( i saw that in a post here).
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