I am using a MySQL database, but thats is sort of irrelevant as I am asking about the SQL objects methods.
SQL Object - ExecuteNonQuery
How do I determine after using this iff any records have been changed - programatically, without have to do a search and determine the result.
Dim Qry as string
Dim Sql as SQL
Qry="update sometable set somefgield=1"
Back in vb6 days
Sql.execute Qry, rslt
rslt = number of recods affected
I would like to try and use the following logic after the query
In SQLite there is the Chane() function, used immediately after UPDATE, INSERT DELETE:
SELECT Changes()
It determines the number of rows affected. Is this what you are looking for.
You would need to use some JavaObject to
1) Get the Connection object from the SQL object
2) Create a Statement object from the Connection object in step#1
3) Run the Statement's execute method with the query text you are trying to execute
4) Run the Statement's getUpdateCount method to retrieve the # of records produced
Something like this
Dim jConnection as JavaObject = SQL.As(JavaObject).GetField("connection")
Dim jStatement as JavaObject = jConnection.RunMethod("createStatement", Null)
jStatement.RunMethod("execute", Array(Qry))
Dim affectedRecords as int = jStatement.RunMethod("getUpdateCount", Null)
jStatement.RunMethod("close", Null)
Note 1: SQL and Qry variable names taken from post #1
Note 2: Untested code (it's only been typed into the forum here)
Note 3: Some of the proper functionality of various JDBC methods are very driver dependent and therefore may not work for all JDBC drivers and the underlying databases
Note 4: There is some ambiguity in the 0 that is returned by getUpdateCount. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17544782/how-to-tell-number-of-rows-changed-from-jdbc-execution
Note 5: Don't use with SQLite, since B4X's SQL library takes care of some locking to allow for multiuser access of SQLite