in the following code, I intend to filter data in my table as per P1 and ACType, for which it goes through each item of a spinner-spnAC. But, I am getting an out of bound exception. Where am I going wrong? thnx..
Dim gal() As String
For j= 0 To spnAC.Size -1
gal(j) = spnAC.GetItem(j)
Dim MyQuery As String
MyQuery="SELECT SUM(dayhr) ||':'|| SUM(daymin) ||':'|| SUM(nitehr) ||':'|| SUM(nitemin) ||':'|| SUM(instrhr) ||':'|| SUM(instrmin) FROM " & _
Main.DBTableName &" where capacity = 'P1' and ACType =' "& gal(j) &"' "
The easiest way is is to use smart string literals to construct your statement. I have taken your SQL statement in your post #18 and converted it to smart string literal:
Dim Query2 As String=$"
SELECT ACType,sum(DualDay), sum(DualNite),sum(P1Day), sum(P1Nite),
sum( P2Day),sum( P2Nite) from (select * from ${main.DBTableprior}
UNION ALL SELECT ACType,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,P1Dayhr,P1Daymin,P1Nitehr,
P1Nitemin,0,0,0,0,InstrFlghr,InstrFlgmin,0,0 from ${main.DBTablepee1})
The easiest way is is to use smart string literals to construct your statement. I have taken your SQL statement in your post #18 and converted it to smart string literal:
Dim Query2 As String=$"
SELECT ACType,sum(DualDay), sum(DualNite),sum(P1Day), sum(P1Nite),
sum( P2Day),sum( P2Nite) from (select * from ${main.DBTableprior}
UNION ALL SELECT ACType,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,P1Dayhr,P1Daymin,P1Nitehr,
P1Nitemin,0,0,0,0,InstrFlghr,InstrFlgmin,0,0 from ${main.DBTablepee1})
Dim Query1 As String= "UPDATE prior Set ACType=?,Dualday=?,Dualnite=?,P1day=?,P1nite=?,P2day=?,P2nite=?,Instrflg=?,TypeTotal=?,DualDayhr=?,Dualdaymin=?,Dualnitehr=?,Dualnitemin=?,P1dayhr=?,P1daymin=?,P1nitehr=?,P1nitemin=?,P2dayhr=?,P2daymin=?,P2nitehr=?,P2nitemin=?,Instrflghr=?,Instrflgmin=? WHERE ACType = "&bb
2. Additionally, is it possible to replace entire row in a db from a list using sql , without naming each column(other than deleting old row and adding new one)? thnx
Here are two way to concatenate the sql statement:
Dim bb As String = "harinder"
Dim Query1 As String= "UPDATE prior Set ACType=?,Dualday=?,Dualnite=?,P1day=?,P1nite=?," _
& "P2day=?,P2nite=?,Instrflg=?,TypeTotal=?,DualDayhr=?,Dualdaymin=?,Dualnitehr=?," _
& "Dualnitemin=?,P1dayhr=?,P1daymin=?,P1nitehr=?,P1nitemin=?,P2dayhr=?,P2daymin=?," _
& "P2nitehr=?,P2nitemin=?,Instrflghr=?,Instrflgmin=? WHERE ACType = " & bb
or using the smart String Literal:
Dim Query1 As String= $"UPDATE prior Set ACType=?,Dualday=?,Dualnite=?,P1day=?,P1nite=?,
P2nitehr=?,P2nitemin=?,Instrflghr=?,Instrflgmin=? WHERE ACType = ${bb} "$
As for the list, this gives you an idea and hint as we do not know the exact content of your list:
Dim MyList As List
MyList=File.ReadList(File.DirInternal,"mydta.txt") 'folder and file name where the list is saved
For Each s As String In MyList 'iterate through the list
Dim strArray() As String =Regex.Split(",",s) 'assuming all list items are separated by commas
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(Query1,strArray) 'query1 is one of the above sql statements
Just an observation... I wrote my first logbook program nearly 25 years ago and have written several others since. If you try to store the various times P1/P2/P1(u/s) day/night separately in Sqlite as hours and minutes then the SQL becomes unbelievably complicated as you are finding out! Likewise avoid storing values simply as decimal hours.... you will run into rounding errors when you try and convert back to hh:mm.
Consider storing each category as integer minutes, it becomes so much simpler. OK you have to error trap user input and convert minutes to hh:mm when you present it but single values are infinitely simpler to handle.