B4J Question SQLException SQL error or missing Database! Help Please


New Member
Helloy B4J folks,
i am trying to send Datas to my webserver and put them there into a SQL database named : SensorDatas.
Everything works but when my Handler trys to put the datas into the SQL database i receive this Exception.

java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "17": syntax error)

I think that i understand what it means, but i don´t know how i can solve this issue.

Thats my Handler Code:

Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
    Dim data As sensorDatas = Main.ReadObject(req.InputStream)
    Dim m As Map
    m.Put("Date", data.date )
    DBUtils.InsertValues(Main.SQL1, "SDatas", m)
    Log("Datas added succesfully.")
End Sub

And here the Subroutine InsertValues:

Public Sub InsertValues (SQL As SQL, TableName As String, Values As Map)
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    sb.Append("INSERT INTO " & TableName & "(" & Values.GetKeyAt(0) & ", " & Values.GetKeyAt(1) & _
    ") VALUES (" & Values.GetValueAt(0) & ", " & Values.GetValueAt(1) & ")")
End Sub

The issue happend at the execute of the query.
I have no experience with SQL and Server, cause of that please be patient with me
And many thanks for youre help.


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Longtime User
Are you trying to put string values into the database?
If you are, you will need to put a single quote before and after the value.
ie, values(one,two,three) need to be changed to values('one','two','three')
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