Hello. I have a problem in my query. I have fields wherein they are intended to be empty. As you can see from my query, there are 3 NULL and 3 " ". those are where i have nothing to add to it. But when i run my code, my app only force closes and show no error in the logs window. I want to add to the database but i want those 3 to be empty for now and insert data later. Can someone help me. Thanks
Are you running it in debug mode? There should be an error message in the logs.
If you don't see it then you will need to switch to USB debugging instead of B4A-Bridge.
Your query is wrong!
You have 14 fields in your query.
Then you have 14 items in Values, 11 ? and 3 Null.
In Array As Object you have 13 items!?
There should be only 11, one for each question mark !