For various reasons I need the data types of the columns of a cursor produced by a SQLite query.
There doesn't seem an easy way to do this and the best I have come up with sofar is this:
Sub GetCursorDataTypes(Curs As Cursor) As String()
Dim c As Int
Dim p As Long
Dim r As Reflector 'needs Reflection library
Dim iColumns As Int
Dim lRows As Long
Dim iResult As Int
iColumns = Curs.ColumnCount
lRows = Curs.RowCount
r.Target = Curs
Dim arrDataTypes(iColumns) As String
For c = 0 To iColumns - 1
For p = 0 To lRows - 1
Curs.Position = p
iResult = r.RunMethod2("getType", c, "")
If iResult = 2 Then
arrDataTypes(c) = "R"
Exit 'exit row loop and move to next column
End If
If iResult = 4 Then
arrDataTypes(c) = "B"
Exit 'exit row loop and move to next column
End If
If iResult = 3 Then
arrDataTypes(c) = "T"
'no exit yet as may find a Real value?
End If
If iResult = 1 Then
arrDataTypes(c) = "I"
'no exit yet as may find a Real value?
End If
If arrDataTypes(c) = 0 Then
arrDataTypes(c) = "T" 'or should we do a Null type?
End If
Return arrDataTypes
End Sub
Sofar this seems to work OK, but not fully tested yet.
Has anybody any better ideas or improvements?
you mean a mix of integer & null , float & null , string & null or mix of all 0,1,2,3,4 in one column?
is it possible for you to set the database fields to not allow null for this project?
is it possible for you to set the database fields to not allow null for this project?
I could clear up the database, so update faulty values, but I am still interested to get the default output data type of columns of a query.
Letting the user specify the output data types is not a bad option, eg:
select IntField, RealField, TextField from TestTable>>>>I,R,T
I think the typeof(X) returns the schema column type, but the fellow in this thread is looking for the actual data output stored in the column. For instance, you may have a column type as TEXT, but it can hold an integer say 999. He is looking for INTEGER
I think the typeof(X) returns the schema column type, but the fellow in this thread is looking for the actual data output stored in the column. For instance, you may have a column type as TEXT, but it can hold an integer say 999. He is looking for INTEGER
No, I am interested in the Default datatype of the result column, as in the native sqlite3_column_type function.
So, this will the same result for all the rows, no matter what the actual value is for that column row.
It will be complex to take a SQL statement and use typeof to get the result column default data type, although if you could do
that it would give the desired result.
Just wonder now if I could get this information with the explain statement and will have a look at that.
I have something that pulls schema info from a PRAGMA info cursor. Basically a tiny portion of my code that runs at startup to see if auto-upgrades are needed for the app database. This is a snippit from how I use it:
SQL = "PRAGMA table_info(" & TableName & ");"
crs = GlobalModule.Delivery.ExecQuery(SQL)
Dim thisTable As Map
For row = 0 To crs.RowCount-1
crs.Position = row
Dim slfd As SQLiteFieldDefinition
Here is the complete code from my SQLiteFieldDefinition class:
Sub Class_Globals
Public ColumnID As Int
Public FieldName As String
Public FieldType As String
Public IsNotNull As Int
Public DefaultValue As Object
Public PrimaryKey As Int
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
ColumnID = 0
FieldName = ""
FieldType = ""
IsNotNull = 0
DefaultValue = Null
PrimaryKey = 0
End Sub
Public Sub FromPRAGMACursor( crs As Cursor )
ColumnID = crs.GetInt("cid")
FieldName = crs.GetString("name")
FieldType = crs.GetString("type")
IsNotNull = crs.GetInt("notnull")
DefaultValue = crs.GetString("dflt_value")
PrimaryKey = crs.GetInt("pk")
'Log("cid=" & ColumnID & ", name=" & FieldName & ", type=" & FieldType & ", notnull" & IsNotNull & ", dflt_value=" & DefaultValue & ", pk=" & PrimaryKey)
End Sub
I don't think that function does what you think it does. I'm pretty sure that is the function used by Android' getType method. I'm guessing here, but I'm pretty sure. I think the function that you are looking for is something like SQlite3's sqlite3_column_decltype ( The documentation for that function (..._decltype) give a clue as to why the sqlite3_column_type method works as it does
SQLite uses dynamic run-time typing. So just because a column is declared to contain a particular type does not mean that the data stored in that column is of the declared type. SQLite is strongly typed, but the typing is dynamic not static. Type is associated with individual values, not with the containers used to hold those values. From the limited testing I have done on the getType method from Android is that it can change from Null to another value. Once it changes to another non-null return value, it seems to stick for the remainder of the result set walk through.
Please note that one thing to keep in mind is that SELECT statement's result column does not have to be an actual column of a table, it can be an expression. For that, there is no declared column type and even the sqlite3_column_decltype would be of no use (see link above for an example).
This would be the only way to go (since there is no access to sqlite3_column_decltype in Android), but that does not cover any result columns that are not made strictly from actual columns that have been defined in a table.