Following helpful advice here I'm now successfully loading pictures (and other data) held on an SQLite database. The pictures are identified by their filenames in the appropriate field, and are presumably added to the APK at compilation time (is that right?) and are then shown on-screen when appropriate with this code (irrelevant other data left out!):
Picture = mCursor.GetString("Picture")
ImgPicture.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, Picture))
This works a treat, but adding new records to the database results in an error (basically,
picture not found) unless the program is recompiled, at which point of course the new materials go straight into the APK and all appears well.
So here's the question: is it possible to get pictures for new records to be found without them needing to be 'in' the database as blobs? If so, how?