I have an SQLite table named Fares with 20 fields.
I have managed to Insert records using dbutils InsertMaps function and it's working nicely.
How do I manage to update the 20 fields? The UpdateRecord function only takes 1 field.
I can't see how this can be done.
I'm used to building a string like
s = "UPDATE Fares SET FareDate=" & FareDate & ",FareHash=" & tFareHash.Text & " WHERE TableID=" & lTableID.Text
then doing mySQL.ExexcuteNonQuery(s)
I tried this approach with the INSERT statement but compiler complained about my string s being too long.
If I built the string for this UPDATE it would be roughly as long as the INSERT one and will fail just like the INSERT failed.
So I managed to use the InsertMaps of dbutils and it worked.
But I can't do anything like that for an update.
Can anyone help?
I have managed to Insert records using dbutils InsertMaps function and it's working nicely.
How do I manage to update the 20 fields? The UpdateRecord function only takes 1 field.
I can't see how this can be done.
I'm used to building a string like
s = "UPDATE Fares SET FareDate=" & FareDate & ",FareHash=" & tFareHash.Text & " WHERE TableID=" & lTableID.Text
then doing mySQL.ExexcuteNonQuery(s)
I tried this approach with the INSERT statement but compiler complained about my string s being too long.
If I built the string for this UPDATE it would be roughly as long as the INSERT one and will fail just like the INSERT failed.
So I managed to use the InsertMaps of dbutils and it worked.
But I can't do anything like that for an update.
Can anyone help?