Calculation using a number in a Text column
See the SQLite data types docs:
Datatypes In SQLite Version 3
There is no FLOAT data type. It is actually translated into REAL. You should use GetDouble to get the numeric value.
Note that double / REAL types cannot accurately represent decimal numbers. You might want to use a TEXT field instead.
If I use GetDouble, I presume that the resultant variable will accurately hold the column value. Will it display accurately in the lblLatitude view (i.e. with all, and no extra, decimal places used being displayed) using B4A code similar to:
Public Latitude As Double
Latitude = CursorAspect.GetDouble("latitude")
Or is there a better method or view to use?
PS I'd prefer not to define the database's table's Latitude column type as Text because I also want to use it for calculations. Also, It would need modifying the existing PC database maintenance app significantly.