Android Question SQLite syntax request error


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I am successfully using SQLite in my application. Requests are processed and tables are updated. I wanted to make a "filter" that would save me from duplicating records.
1. I created a checksum field - CRC.
2. Made this field CRC as primary key.
I specified a condition in the request if we are trying to add a line with duplicate information, then the record will not be added, but it does not work for me, what is my mistake. I tried different spellings of the CPC field with and without quotes with the table name but it does not help.

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "ON": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling:
INSERT INTO `Target` (`DTime`, `STime`, `CRC`) VALUES (1681747764109, 1681747759803, 'F0F44') ON CONFLICT(`CRC`) IGNORE


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I think that you don't have to specify the field, CRC, just because it is the primary key of the table.


Also, using SQL's ExecuteNonQuery2 you don't have to worry about quotes, double quotes, ...
There is no problem in quotes, I checked it in the absence of a primary key, but with a primary key, any combinations with ON CONFLICT IGNORE or ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING do not work
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So I asket it: "Are you sure? In SQLite..."


View attachment 141285

but I see no difference ?

Query = $"INSERT INTO Category (Id, CategoryName, Description) VALUES (1, "NewCat", "John") ON CONFLICT (Id) DO UPDATE SET CategoryName = "Other";"$
(SQLException) java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "ON": syntax error)

Nothing to do, it doesn't work. That's enough, because @Mahares fixed it the best way.
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If your table has CRC as PRIMARY KEY and you want to avoid duplicate records if CRC is duplicated, you can do:
Good advice Mahares, you solved my problem, I did not find such a syntax option in the documentation. Where did you get your magical knowledge from? Thank you very much! INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Target.... only ;-)
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