B4J Question SSHJ - ssh library #MergeLibraries: True or False?


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Longtime User
Just looking for clarification for an old closed thread on this library:
The original thread talks about the need for setting #MergeLibraries to False due to a signing issue with bouncycastle.

However I noticed an edit to the thread at the beginning by Erel:

Edit by Erel: You need to add this line for it to work with the built-in packager:
#PackagerProperty: VMArgs = --add-opens b4j/org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.ec=java.base

So on a hunch, I compiled the release with #MergeLibraries: True and built the installer package. Everything seems to work just fine without the need for seperate jars.

So I am just attempting to verify if this is the case, that there isn't a signing issue any longer. Thank you.