I programmes an ESP D1, that was used as WiFi Server before, with a different program. New Program works fine, but in wlan list the old ssid still becomes visible. althoug there is no serverfunction activated - means, the esp seems to save the server activation in a seperate memory, that is not overwritten by new programm.
How can I incativate the server function, if I don't even activated it? Overwrite or clean the eeprom?
this is not normal did you mean realy the ssid or maybe the hostname ?
you can change in the boardselector the erase mode to all so will all (progmem and eeprom ) deleted
witch eps8266 Core you have installed ? i use 2.4.1 (there are a newer version but they make problems) you find this info in the program arduino -> tools -> boardverwalter
I had 2.4.0, did not know, that board selector is part of core. Great help, evrything works now. used deleting SDK, dont know, what happens, if I delete all.
Is there a place in EEprom, where I can put a recognition for serial connection, that is shown in windows device manager? Some arduinos show a definition there...