Wish SSL/TLS support for sockets and/or websockets


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B4A's TCP Sockets have an InitializeSSL method, but there doesn't seem to be anything similar in B4i, nor is there support for wss secure websockets.

Having overhauled some desktop apps, the back-end server that they talk to, and my Android client, so everything uses secure connections, I now realise I can't make an iOS client using B4i. I actually ported over most of the code from the Android client before I realised - I just assumed secure connections would be supported.

I could run a separate non-secure instance of the server code for iOS users, but as this is for remote control of sex toys (someone has to write that code!), I'd really rather not

So, I'd very much like this to be high up on the wish list.


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iWebSockets does support ssl connections. The scheme should be wss://
Brilliant; I'll give that a try. The documentation suggested it was ws:// only, but since my back end already does secure websockets for the HTML5 app, I can use that.

Still be nice to have secure TCP sockets, though
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