SSL traffic


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I am very new to Basic4Android.

can anyone suggest a simpler way in which i can connect to SSL using my chosen cipher suite.

also would love if someone can suggest a way by which i can access the SSL handshake messages.

Need it to validate if i can communicate with server using a specific cipher and also what are the cipher suites supported by server.


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Oh looks like i wrote it in wrong way.

1) Can you suggest correct forum or move it properly.

2) I am not looking to make a SSL connection.
I am trying to see what ciphers are supported at Server.

consider it simmilar to finding all possible cipher suites supported by ciphers.

I know in case of SSL connection it will be handled with maximum possible on both side.

that's why i thought if i can initiate a connection using my chosen cipher i can see if that is supported (i.e. i get connection) or not.
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