I want to have my APP StartAtBoot. Erel says don't set StartAtBoot to True for the Starter module (which I use to create and initialize process variables). I am puzzled why that option is possible in the starter module template if it should not be used? (not meaning to be a wise guy just trying to see if I understand correctly). Also I see NJDude's StartAtBoot sample program has its StartAtBoot attribute in its Starter module set to True. I would like to use NJDude's sample APP to start my APP so I am thinking ... should I create a separate service module (say StartupService?) to incorporate the code in the starter module of NJDude's s sample program to comply with what Erel says to do? And if so should I have the line in NJDude's sample program ...
i.SetComponent("njdude.startatboot.sample/.main") ...
have .main replaced by .starter to have the program once started up then go immediately to the starter service ?
i.SetComponent("njdude.startatboot.sample/.main") ...
have .main replaced by .starter to have the program once started up then go immediately to the starter service ?