I rewrote my timer section but the same error.
The process after the receiver is started:
1, pws.KeepAlive(False)
2, 4 seconds wait
3, http request run
4, every 2 seconds check what is the status of the http request
5, if it ran to error then request again, otherwise pws.ReleaseKeepAlive() and end
6, it checks for up to 60 seconds, then pws.ReleaseKeepAlive() and end
I have no other idea, except that Android 13 does not initialize/enable the network when the phone asleep and the receiver class starts the http request (and of course if there is a network because the user is using the phone then it works)
(I was thinking of logging the phone's network connections (android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE) to see if it shows anything.)
I welcome all ideas.