Android Question StartServiceAt stops after Restart

Jonathan Rigley

Licensed User
Longtime User

If I run the following code and wait, it will run and fire after 5 mins. But if I restart the phone it does not fire.

StartServiceAt(MyService, DateTime.Now + 300 * 1000, True)

If I add #StartAtBoot: True and restart then the service fires as soon as the phone as restarted and not in 5 mins time.

How can I restart the phone and still have the service fire at the right time and not as soon as the phone starts?



Licensed User
Longtime User
But if I restart the phone it does not fire.
This should be expected since after the device restarts there's nothing that loads again that servrice.
If I add #StartAtBoot: True and restart then the service fires as soon as the phone as restarted and not in 5 mins time.
With StartAtBoot you ask the OS to start the service after a device's boot, so it's up to you to discriminate between "first run" and subsequent ones. You may use a boolean var and set it after first run. So the service start, you set the var and do nothing. After 5 min the service starts again, you read the var, know that's time to do something and execute the code. This will happen again and again every 5 mins.
Is it that what you're planning?

Edit: if the service is not kept active (foreground) eventually it will be killed by the OS and if the user launces it manually it will skip the first run as for a restart.

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Jonathan Rigley

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for your reply.

The application is a MOT and Insurance reminder so I pick a date in the future and a time and the app fires up on that date. It works until the phone is restarted.

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