Android Question StdActionBarHelper popmenu wrong position


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When i use the code below, the popupmenu does not work as intended, i think because of the activity.height. How can i fix it so that it shows in correct position?

Dim context As JavaObject
    Dim window As JavaObject = context.RunMethod("getWindow", Null)
    window.RunMethod("addFlags", Array(0x80000000)) 'FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS
    window.RunMethod("addFlags", Array(0x00000200)) 'FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS
    Activity.Height = GetDeviceLayoutValues.Height + 48dip


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AppCompat also behaves the same way. Menus for a button at topright for example, show outside the screen. If I remove the code below, it works well but i need to use this code:
Dim context As JavaObject
    Dim window As JavaObject = context.RunMethod("getWindow", Null)
    window.RunMethod("addFlags", Array(0x80000000)) 'FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS
    window.RunMethod("addFlags", Array(0x00000200)) 'FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS
    Activity.Height = GetDeviceLayoutValues.Height + 48dip

Is there a way to use the above code and still show popup menu correctly positioned on a view?
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