Android Question Sticker4W Lib: Problem creating sticker pack from External Storage


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Hi everyone, im using the @DonManfred Sticker4W library for creating sticker packs, but it only works with Assets files, is there a way to use or create on-the-fly a sticker pack from the External or Internal storage?

On the official Stickers GitHub they say it is the way:
Expose files that are stored internally as stickers through ContentProvider

Is there a way to implement this?

A practical use could be: Download an sticker pack and install from the app, or create and encode images saving it to External and then installing the Pack from the app.

Help would be very appreciated.


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oh that was confusing, i see in some posts they created a second Provider to serve packs from storage, is it possible?

stickers from firebase
This post says how to create sticker packs dynamically:

I was programing the system but then found your Lib has no way to read sticker pack data or json file from other source rather than assets folder.

Are you planning to update your lib or can you guide me on how to create packs dynamically?

Thanks Don
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Are you planning to update your lib or can you guide me on how to create packs dynamically?
I use this lib too and I'm very interested in this feature. If is not possible to made an upgrade, maybe @DonManfred could create/wrapper another library and I will to donate again.
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@asales well, we need to look for other solutions, i was thinking on updating the JSON(append more packs) but the Assets folder is Read-Only, will be a challenge for us.
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Edit the json and update your files. Then upload a new apk which then contains the new Sticker.
i already do that, but the process between updates are very long, not instantly, and not dynamic, maybe if you added a way to read a JSON file outside the assets. would be the way.
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Oh that was sad ?, i hope you can fix it soon, have you tried creating a second Provider?, some say they using a second provider for cloud stickers.

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There is no complete code! Maybe i did not see it? I already read that tutorials.
On Whatsap official stickers github, they say they way to use external files as stickers:

I readed carefully every article and i understood that the external file should be pointed on the:
AssetFileDescriptor fetchFile(...)
The external image file URI on fetchFile
//The key here is you can use ParcelFileDescriptor to create an AssetFileDescriptor.
new AssetFileDescriptor(, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY), 0, AssetFileDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LENGTH);

But first i see they creating the virtual sticker pack dynamically in this classes:
2 classes

Im not sure but i think you need to add a way to fill that information
class StickerPack implements Parcelable {
    String identifier;
    String name;
    String publisher;
    String trayImageFile;
    final String publisherEmail;
    final String publisherWebsite;
    final String privacyPolicyWebsite;
    final String licenseAgreementWebsite;

    String iosAppStoreLink;
    private List<Sticker> stickers;
    private long totalSize;
    String androidPlayStoreLink;
    private boolean isWhitelisted;

    StickerPack(String identifier, String name, String publisher, String trayImageFile, String publisherEmail, String publisherWebsite, String privacyPolicyWebsite, String licenseAgreementWebsite) {
        this.identifier = identifier; = name;
        this.publisher = publisher;
        this.trayImageFile = trayImageFile;
        this.publisherEmail = publisherEmail;
        this.publisherWebsite = publisherWebsite;
        this.privacyPolicyWebsite = privacyPolicyWebsite;
        this.licenseAgreementWebsite = licenseAgreementWebsite;
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Reading more i got this on:

Line 54
private static final String CONTENT_FILE_NAME = "contents.json";

You should change to the desired file, string, json map, etc.

Then it are read on line 148:
    private synchronized void readContentFile(@NonNull Context context) {
        try (InputStream contentsInputStream = context.getAssets().open(CONTENT_FILE_NAME)) {
            stickerPackList = ContentFileParser.parseStickerPacks(contentsInputStream);
        } catch (IOException | IllegalStateException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(CONTENT_FILE_NAME + " file has some issues: " + e.getMessage(), e);

Then parsed on class:
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