Android Question [Still unsolved] Emoji & Whatsapp


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Thank you, Klaus, I know that thread but see my post there (#8).

I "discovered" that emoji was added by Google to its keyboard since Android 4.3.1 and my phone has 4.0.4.
Anyway, my tablet has 4.4.2 WITHOUT the emoji in its keyboard :eek: and, despite this, it displays well emoji if I use the function published by Erel in that thread (obviously I can not test Whatsapp on my tablet).
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I would use a IME keyboard and add a banner above to select the emojis (= Scrollview with some labels filled with them to select/insert them). I do think that Manfred's lib wasn't mentioned to act like a full keyboard.
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I would use a IME keyboard and add a banner above to select the emojis (= Scrollview with some labels filled with them to select/insert them). I do think that Manfred's lib wasn't mentioned to act like a full keyboard.
I did it, days ago.

Created a GUI similar to Whatsapp (the bottom part) using TabStripPageViewer, added labels, etc.); but then I was not able to manage the "special EditText" provided by the DonManfred's library, due to the lack of properites and events, as I said. Also, very likely I had other problems to solve the question, now I don't remember which (too many things to think of and too little brain memory :p, but I have definitely reached a critical point that forced me to give up this method.).

This is the reason for my question; I have already tried many different ways.
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Still unsolved.

Probably Whatsapp uses:
just UTF32

but this means that it has created an own font file: how? Using which tool? I found only (free) tools that allow you to create fonts for "normal" characters, a-z, 0-9, punctuation marks; without the ability to paste bitmaps and to create colorful fonts.

By the way, I noticed that even installing famous keyboards on "old" smartphones (Android v. < 5), these do not allow the insertion of emoticons; for example GBoard keyboard, by Google. This means that even Google has not found the ideal solution.

Yet Whatsapp's emoticons work on any device.
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Their editor is probably a completely custom view. You cannot guess how it is implemented.
Their editor? Custom View?

I meant that: if they use simple UTF32 and then a font file, a specific font editor should exist, like:

this (online):
or these:

but I dont' know, I don't think, they are helpful to create font files with emoji.

Otherwise it will be necessary that users use their "special keyboards" and wait for devices running Android 4 and lower become completely obsolete (I think that they are currently about 11%).
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Whatsapp are using Norican-Regular.ttf, Oswald-Heavy.ttf and three Roboto-*.ttf-Fonts
Additionally it is using a lot of SVGs (emoj).
Additionally it has a few hundred Drawables in different solutions.
Dont know what is inside the resources.arsc which is 11mb
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