Android Question [Still unsolved] Emoji & Whatsapp


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Thank you, Klaus, I know that thread but see my post there (#8).

I "discovered" that emoji was added by Google to its keyboard since Android 4.3.1 and my phone has 4.0.4.
Anyway, my tablet has 4.4.2 WITHOUT the emoji in its keyboard and, despite this, it displays well emoji if I use the function published by Erel in that thread (obviously I can not test Whatsapp on my tablet).
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I would use a IME keyboard and add a banner above to select the emojis (= Scrollview with some labels filled with them to select/insert them). I do think that Manfred's lib wasn't mentioned to act like a full keyboard.
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I would use a IME keyboard and add a banner above to select the emojis (= Scrollview with some labels filled with them to select/insert them). I do think that Manfred's lib wasn't mentioned to act like a full keyboard.
I did it, days ago.

Created a GUI similar to Whatsapp (the bottom part) using TabStripPageViewer, added labels, etc.); but then I was not able to manage the "special EditText" provided by the DonManfred's library, due to the lack of properites and events, as I said. Also, very likely I had other problems to solve the question, now I don't remember which (too many things to think of and too little brain memory , but I have definitely reached a critical point that forced me to give up this method.).

This is the reason for my question; I have already tried many different ways.
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Still unsolved.

Probably Whatsapp uses:
just UTF32

but this means that it has created an own font file: how? Using which tool? I found only (free) tools that allow you to create fonts for "normal" characters, a-z, 0-9, punctuation marks; without the ability to paste bitmaps and to create colorful fonts.

By the way, I noticed that even installing famous keyboards on "old" smartphones (Android v. < 5), these do not allow the insertion of emoticons; for example GBoard keyboard, by Google. This means that even Google has not found the ideal solution.

Yet Whatsapp's emoticons work on any device.
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Their editor is probably a completely custom view. You cannot guess how it is implemented.
Their editor? Custom View?

I meant that: if they use simple UTF32 and then a font file, a specific font editor should exist, like:

this (online):
or these:

but I dont' know, I don't think, they are helpful to create font files with emoji.

Otherwise it will be necessary that users use their "special keyboards" and wait for devices running Android 4 and lower become completely obsolete (I think that they are currently about 11%).
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Whatsapp are using Norican-Regular.ttf, Oswald-Heavy.ttf and three Roboto-*.ttf-Fonts
Additionally it is using a lot of SVGs (emoj).
Additionally it has a few hundred Drawables in different solutions.
Dont know what is inside the resources.arsc which is 11mb
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