Stimulation Clicker


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I like sandman's posts too especially his sense of humour, but I hate to uncheck appr. 50 cookies with "legal interest" in my behave of surfin'. It's driving me nuts and this is the way they want it for collecting "valuable data".


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I like sandman's posts too especially his sense of humour, but I hate to uncheck appr. 50 cookies with "legal interest" in my behave of surfin'. It's driving me nuts and this is the way they want it for collecting "valuable data".
Sadly this is the new normality.


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But that didn't happen with this link, right?
It did Sandman, an endless list... (! and this is not your fault !).
But as sagenut already said: It's just today's way of ‘earning’ money. No service of any kind is provided, the main thing is that you can sell any data to any company that you have wildly collected together. And that's called legal interest. F**k you, data collectors. It's my data. Pay me and you get the data I am willing to give you.

I have such a tremendous desire to shoot back. I have a legal interest in this. It's just annoying and no longer fun to surf the net. It's just only commerce.


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I didn't get any annoying window.


Well-Known Member
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I literally just got a page with a button, that when clicked multiple times, displays various icons/images.

If anybody gets really far in the clicks, please share a screenshot of the page!

As an aside, why can't @Sandman give me a link where when I click a button, money is deposited in my checking account? That would be way more helpful.


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Uh. I just realized you can click on the icons for bonuses. I hope this doesn't start taking up my time.


Well-Known Member
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As an aside, why can't @Sandman give me a link where when I click a button, money is deposited in my checking account?
You'd either have to become REALLY lucky, or, one of you would have to become a crook - the first I wish upon you - the second I hope sincerely not going to happen.


Well-Known Member
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Sadly this is the new normality.
maybe i'm not normal? i didn't get any of the above mentioned activity - i lasted one click - because, as the advert in our country said : the scene is an airplane cabin crew member demonstrating the do-up-the-seat-belt-this-way bit - and the line goes "And I vant to hear ONE Click!".

So, I gave up there and was lacking in stimulation........
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