I have the following code:
If i run it local on my pc it works as expected, but if i run it on my VPS then the following error message is returned by Firebase:
The crazy thing is, it happens only every 2-4 times, sometimes more than once in a row, but in the logging I see that the data that is transmitted is always the right one.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 (64 Bit) non-ui
Has anyone ever had these problems on a server?
Dim url As String = $"https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/accounts:resetPassword?key=${API_KEY}"$
Dim json As JSONGenerator
Dim j As HttpJob : j.Initialize("",Me)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
ResponseError. Reason: , Response: {
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "MISSING_OOB_CODE",
"errors": [
"message": "MISSING_OOB_CODE",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid"
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 (64 Bit) non-ui
Has anyone ever had these problems on a server?