Android Question Strange error in Threading Library


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Hello folks, i'm using Threading Library 1.10 version with Android SDK 4.

The code is inside an Activity it's executed at startup, when the app starts:

Dim thr As Thread
Dim MyMap As Map
thr.Start(Null, "SetInitialLanguage", Array As Object(MyMap))
Sub SetInitialLanguage(mapobj As Object)
Dim count1 As Int
count1 = 0
Do While (count1 <= 10)
count1 = count1 + 1
End Sub

In debugging the log tell:

At this line: count1 = 0
android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.

This is pretty strange; it seems i couldn't do any assignment inside the method executed in this other thread and i can't refer any member variable inside it.

The routine fails also in release mode.

What do you think ?
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Ok Erel, i've resolved debugging in a brutal way; in release mode all works good.. :O
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