I'm running this code on an ESP32 and curiously it always restarts when executing the POST call on the seventh execution.
If I remove the header sending it doesn't restart but the correct data doesn't reach the server.
I'll leave the code here, you have to put the wifi and the password back to be able to test:
Thank you so much
I'm running this code on an ESP32 and curiously it always restarts when executing the POST call on the seventh execution.
If I remove the header sending it doesn't restart but the correct data doesn't reach the server.
I'll leave the code here, you have to put the wifi and the password back to be able to test:
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs : True
#CheckArrayBounds : True
#StackBufferSize : 1024
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private wifi As ESP8266WiFi
Public Ts As Timer
Public Segundo As Byte = 0
Public Minuto As Byte = 0
Public Hora As Byte = 0
Public bc As ByteConverter
Public Maniobras As UInt = 0
Public Horas_Uso As UInt = 0
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Log("Inicia Aplicacion")
Ts.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Ts_Tick
Segundo = Segundo + 1
Horas_Uso = Horas_Uso + 1
If Segundo > 59 Then
Segundo = 0
Minuto = Minuto + 1
If Minuto > 59 Then
Minuto = 0
Hora = Hora + 1
If Hora > 23 Then
Hora = 0
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Conecta_Wifi(Nada As Byte)
Log("Intentando conectar a la red WIFI")
wifi.ConnectAsync("XXX", "XXX", 0, Null, "wifi_Connected")
End Sub
Sub WiFi_Connected (Success As Boolean)
If Success = True Then
Log("WIFI Conectada !!!")
Log("La IP es: ",wifi.LocalIp)
Log("No conectado la WIFI, se reintenta")
End If
If Success = True Then
End If
End Sub
' Envia Estados de la Tarjeta de Control.
' Envia Datos al servidor
' Numero de Serie -> 5 Digitos -> 00000
' Fecha en el ESP32 -> 8 Caracteres -> dd/mm/aa
' Hora en el Servidor -> 8 Caracteres -> hh:mm:ss
' Version Hardware -> -> 4.12.00
' Version Software -> -> 4.12.26a
' Año de Fabricacion -> 4 Digitos -> 2024
' Mes de Fabricacion -> 2 Digitos -> 01
' Numero de Maniobras -> 10 Digitos -> 0000000000
Sub Envia_Estado(Nada As Byte)
Dim Ti As ULong = 0
Dim Amo As Int = 2024
Dim Mes As Int = 1
Dim Numero_Serie As Int = 20
Log("Inicia Envio ... Buffer Utilizado = ",StackBufferUsage, " ... Ram = ",AvailableRAM)
Dim P0() As Byte = "&".GetBytes
Dim P1() As Byte = JoinBytes(Array ("Amo=".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Amo,4,0).GetBytes))
Dim P2() As Byte = JoinBytes(Array ("Mes=".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Mes,2,0).GetBytes))
Dim P3() As Byte = JoinBytes(Array ("Numero_de_Serie=".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Numero_Serie,5,0).GetBytes))
Dim P4() As Byte = "Fecha=01/01/2024".GetBytes
Dim P5() As Byte = JoinBytes(Array ("Hora=".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Hora,2,0).GetBytes,":".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Minuto,2,0).GetBytes,":".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Segundo,2,0).GetBytes))
Dim P6() As Byte = "Version_H=4.12.00".GetBytes
Dim P7() As Byte = "Version_S=4.12.26a".GetBytes
Maniobras = Maniobras + 1
Dim P8() As Byte = JoinBytes(Array ("Maniobras=".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Maniobras,8,0).GetBytes))
Dim P9() As Byte = JoinBytes(Array ("Horas_Uso=".GetBytes,NumberFormat(Horas_Uso,8,0).GetBytes))
Dim P10() As Byte = JoinBytes(Array (P1,P0,P2,P0,P3,P0,P4,P0,P5,P0,P6,P0,P7,P0,P8,P0,P9))
'Log("Envia ->",bc.StringFromBytes(P9))
Ti = Micros
Ti = Micros - Ti
Log("Tiempo Invertido = ",Ti / 1000, " Maniobra = ",Maniobras)
End Sub
Sub Envia_Post(E() As Byte)
HttpJob.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
End Sub
Sub JobDone (Job As JobResult)
Log("Nombre del Paso : ", Job.JobName)
If Job.Success Then
'Log("Response: ", bc.SubString2(Job.Response, 0, Min(20, Job.Response.Length))) ' Limita a 20 Caracteres
If Job.JobName = "Paso_000" Then
'HttpJob.Initialize("Paso_001") '
'Log("Cambio a Paso_001")
End If
Log("++++++ ERROR +++++")
Log("ErrorMessage: ", Job.ErrorMessage)
Log("Status: ", Job.Status)
End If
End Sub
Thank you so much