I have stumbled upon a strange bug with xCustomListView.
When i add a panel with a xCustomListView the scroll works.
When i add a second one they both work good
When i add a third one and u have to scroll to see the third one then all panels the scroll dos not work anymore ?
Putting a CLV inside another one will not work out of the box. The inner list will not be scrollable. CLVNested makes it possible. Limitations: - One list per item. - The user will not be able to interact with views added to the inner list. The basic features of the inner list will work. -...
Putting a CLV inside another one will not work out of the box. The inner list will not be scrollable. CLVNested makes it possible. Limitations: - One list per item. - The user will not be able to interact with views added to the inner list. The basic features of the inner list will work. -...