Streaming server and 3G


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First of all, I think you need to play around with the streaming-server (and the sources you want to stream). I guess you can use the one you linked to. Alternatively also VLC (VideoLAN) should be able to work as a streaming-server. You can communicate with the VLC-server using its HTTP-interface.

What regards the clients i.e. your Android-app, you should be able to use VideoView which you can find in the Audio-library. You might need to experiment with the format/codec/containers you use for streaming (output from streaming-server) since all codecs are not supported natively by Android (and thus also VideoView). If this is the case, you can try my Vitamio-wrapper posted here on the forum which uses a third-party videoplayer plugin. But as I said, if you are in control of the output-format from the streaming-server, you are better off using a codec supported by Android natively.
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First of all, I think you need to play around with the streaming-server (and the sources you want to stream). I guess you can use the one you linked to. Alternatively also VLC (VideoLAN) should be able to work as a streaming-server. You can communicate with the VLC-server using its HTTP-interface.

What regards the clients i.e. your Android-app, you should be able to use VideoView which you can find in the Audio-library. You might need to experiment with the format/codec/containers you use for streaming (output from streaming-server) since all codecs are not supported natively by Android (and thus also VideoView). If this is the case, you can try my Vitamio-wrapper posted here on the forum which uses a third-party videoplayer plugin. But as I said, if you are in control of the output-format from the streaming-server, you are better off using a codec supported by Android natively.

Thanks moster67 for your reply. but how can I use 3G network connection specifically?
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Not sure what you are meaning...

Your streaming media-server (which I guess is a PC) normally makes the output available at a port which can be reached using TCP/IP. Your android-app (using VideoViev) connects to this port and receives the stream and let your user watch it on the screen.

It doesn't matter if you android-app is connected to the internet in 3G or WIFI as long as it can connect to the port of your streaming-server. Of course, you might need to set up portforwarding and firewalls correctly but that is a networking-issue. The only thing you have to be careful when using 3G is to adapt the streaming-output from the streaming-server so it is suitable for lower bandwidth. As I said, that is why you should first play with the streaming-server and experiment with codecs, formats, containers, transcoding-options etc.
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Your streaming media-server (which I guess is a PC) normally makes the output available at a port which can be reached using TCP/IP

Yes you are right. I think I should clarify my needs.

I am looking for a way to detect if the mobile network client registered to is capable of 3G standard or not. then if there was such network adjust transfer rate based on that.
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With "mobile network client" I guess your mean your Android-app?

Normally good streaming media-servers are able to adjust transcoding (bit-rate, quality) automatically in accordance to the incoming speed of the device requesting the service.

Alternatively, if the streaming-server accepts communication from the client, the client can set transcoding-parameters on the fly.

Don't know how you can detect if your device is connected in 3g or not but it might be possible. Have you searched the forum?
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With "mobile network client" I guess your mean your Android-app?

Sure. there will be an android app in clients cell phone that connects to Streaming server and should detect mobile network standards as mentioned in my previous post.

Don't know how you can detect if your device is connected in 3g or not but it might be possible. Have you searched the forum?

Yes. there is a Toggle Library but I'm not sure that's the right one or not.
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I return on this old topic to ask if someone has currently any clue about how could be realize a streaming between two Android device over a 3G network.

Alfred, TrackView, WardenCam, are three apps that allow streaming over 3G provided you log in to google account with both phones.

I would like to develop an app able to use a google account in a similar way, has any B4A user already made something like that ?
Where could I find some documentation about it ?
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This is an old thread. Please start a new thread for your issue
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