First of all, I think you need to play around with the streaming-server (and the sources you want to stream). I guess you can use the one you linked to. Alternatively also VLC (VideoLAN) should be able to work as a streaming-server. You can communicate with the VLC-server using its HTTP-interface.
What regards the clients i.e. your Android-app, you should be able to use VideoView which you can find in the Audio-library. You might need to experiment with the format/codec/containers you use for streaming (output from streaming-server) since all codecs are not supported natively by Android (and thus also VideoView). If this is the case, you can try my Vitamio-wrapper posted here on the forum which uses a third-party videoplayer plugin. But as I said, if you are in control of the output-format from the streaming-server, you are better off using a codec supported by Android natively.