I have a DB with 53 columns and wanted to create a generalised method to create a SQL table and B4xTableView
The following shows the B4X Col Names which I use for the headers in the table and the DB items.. Only the first three are shown
Starter.DBName = "CABLES"
Starter.TotColNumber=3 '53 in final count
Starter.ColNames(0) = "No_CORES"
Starter.ColNames(1) = "AREA_MM2"
Starter.ColNames(2) = "TYPE"
Starter.ColDataTypes(0) = "INT"
Starter.ColDataTypes(1) = "TEXT"
Starter.ColDataTypes(2) = "TEXT"
This shows query for the setup of the SQL
Query = $"CREATE TABLE CABLES (${Starter.ColNames(0)} TEXT,${Starter.ColNames(1)} TEXT,${Starter.ColNames(2)} TEXT) "$
Starter.SQLCABLE.ExecNonQuery( Query )
Creates the DB and works fine, and I can write to B4X table using the same headers
However if I try to develop a generalised solution for a much larger SQL DB then problems
This is one solution using the above three items
Query = "$" & Chr(34) & "CREATE TABLE CABLES ("
For i = 0 To Starter.TotColNumber-2
Query = Query & "${Starter.ColNames(" & i & ")} TEXT , "
Dim i As Int = Starter.TotColNumber-1
Query = Query & "${Starter.ColNames(" & i & ")} TEXT)" & Chr(34) & "$" ' adds in final element without comma
As I can't enter as string value "$"" I have had to use "$" & chr(34).
This logs identically to the first Query but SQL does not recognize the $ character..
I am sure that writing this way negates the literal operator $" "$
Is there any other way to approach this?