Java Question String to Charsequence - What do i need to take care of


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Asuming i want to change a lib which uses Strings now and i want to change the lib to support Charsequences.

What do i need to take care of? Any known tripping hazards?

Do i simply change all References from String to Charsequence?


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In all setters and getters where the library supports CharSequence use also CharSequence for the parameters in your wrapper.

So for AppCompat or DesignSupport I changed some of the wrappers/getters like this:
     * Set the Tab text.
    public void SetTabText(int Index, CharSequence Text) {

     * Get the Tab text.
    public CharSequence GetTabText(int Index) {
        return getObject().getTabAt(Index).getText();


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I guess that it is obvious but remember that it only makes sense to change String to CharSequence when the underlying API (the one that your library calls) supports CharSequence.

I must say that I haven't changed any existing getter that returns String to CharSequence.
For example TextView.Text property:
public String getText() {
     return String.valueOf(getObject().getText());
   public void setText(CharSequence Text) {

I expect it to be safe however as these methods are used by many developers and in all kinds of strange ways (and changing the getter is less important) I decided to leave it like this for now.