String to Int ???


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Do you Know how to do that :

if MyTextBox.text > 0  then
end if

( MyTextBox.text = "1234")

i've got this error : " NumberFormatException"

It is not possible to do somthing like cint(MyTextBox.text) in order to get me a Integer of my text value ?


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to "bypass" a null string, I always use

"0" & MyTextBox.text > 0

so it the textbox is empty, this gives

"0" & "" = 0

if it is "1234" -> "01234" > 0

it works :sign0137:
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to "bypass" a null string, I always use

"0" & MyTextBox.text > 0

so it the textbox is empty, this gives

"0" & "" = 0

if it is "1234" -> "01234" > 0

it works :sign0137:

Can someone explain more a bit? I've the same problem.. :BangHead::BangHead:
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simply use the debugger and try my suggestion step by step... it works

my post isn't a problem but a workaround :sign0060:
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Well-Known Member
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Can someone explain more a bit? I've the same problem.. :BangHead::BangHead:

Let's say the user enters nothing in the text box

Since you're checking 0 & textbox.text, it will read "0" which is a number, instead of crashing.

You can also just use IsNumber () to check if it's valid first
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