Android Question String with readable characters only


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Does anyone have an elegant way to remove unreadable characters from a string?
I have one that looks like this
TITLE: MJ૚c�����P�[���(�ō"V���N�

and as an example for this one I need to trim it down to TITLE: MJcP[("VN.
If I lose the [( and " I can live with that too.

RB Smissaert

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Something like this should work:

Sub ClearUnreadable(str As String) As String
 Dim i As Int
 Dim n As Int
 Dim arrBytes() As Byte
 arrBytes = str.GetBytes("UTF8")
 Dim arrBytes2(arrBytes.Length) As Byte
 For i = 0 To arrBytes.Length - 1
  If arrBytes(i) > 0 Then
   arrBytes2(n) = arrBytes(i)
   n = n + 1
  End If
 Return BC.StringFromBytes(arrBytes2, "UTF8").SubString2(0, n)
End Sub

BC is the ByteConverter library

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And if you want to obtain this: MJcP[("VN, you can still use Regex function without reverting to any additional libraries:
Dim MyString As String = $"MJ૚c�����P�[���(�ō"V���N�"$
Log( Regex.Replace($"[^a-zA-Z0-9-\[\(${QUOTE}]"$,MyString,"") )  'displays: MJcP[("VN
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Thank you! I could never figure out Regex
But I added \s to keep spaces:
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Final version:

The smartstring Mahares used (great tip!) allows me to use a simple " instead of ${QUOTE}. I added the other bracket ( ) ), and the single quote.
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