To solve this problem I use When I start the SDK manager the master index is downloaded with a great number of items selected.
Clicking Install Selected I get an error message: Exception C: \ProgramFiles(x86)\Java\tools\lib\ddmlib.jar (Access refused).
I made already a copy of ddmlib-25.3.1 renaming it to ddmlib. Then it is reported that the path to \\\\wearable-2.1.0.pom cannot be found.
What am I doing wrong?
What kind of statements causes the marven artifact problem? Other applications compile without problems. May be I can avoid the marven problem wiyh some changes in code?
Clicking Install Selected I get an error message: Exception C: \ProgramFiles(x86)\Java\tools\lib\ddmlib.jar (Access refused).
I made already a copy of ddmlib-25.3.1 renaming it to ddmlib. Then it is reported that the path to \\\\wearable-2.1.0.pom cannot be found.
What am I doing wrong?
What kind of statements causes the marven artifact problem? Other applications compile without problems. May be I can avoid the marven problem wiyh some changes in code?