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I posted an update to my WhatsNew Lib which fixes a minor bug.

I have corrected a bug in the What's New lib which if for example there were initially two visible buttons and one button not visible and you added in the explaining sequence only the two visible, when the sequence was over it was showing all the buttons setting visible to True. Now it maintains the original visible state of each button (all the buttons are hidden and re-shown again - according to the initial state - because if they are not hidden they cover the corresponding drawing area of the b4x canvas during the explaining sequence).



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New sub in WhatsNew.b4xlib

I have added the new sub SetViewToExplainTextDimensions to the lib that sets new borders for the view to explain explanation text if needed. This is more useful for the B4i use of this b4xlib. Check the b4i example code for the use of the new sub.



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* Changed the B4X Settings Class to B4XLib (Actually a B4A-B4i lib)
* Added the function ContainsSetting which returns True if the setting is apparent in the Settings



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* BugFix - Rechanged the object name to MySettings to avoid conflict with Settings object of B4i.

* Changed the project to B4XLib

* Added the function ContainsSetting which returns True if the setting is apparent in the Settings



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[B4X][XUI] xImageSliderIG - Instagram style image and video slider

Update 2.00:
  1. Fix item scaling issue
  2. Support video playback both local and remote
  3. Auto-pause while going offscreen
  4. Auto-resume while visible 85%
  5. Autoplay and start muted video
  6. Hide/Show (inside/outside) dot indicators
  7. Support image and video scaling (Fill / Fit / Stretch)
  8. Added new events VideoPlaying and VideoPaused
  9. Changed SetImages method name to SetItems
  10. More accurate blurry cover image.
  11. Now it depends upon ExoPlayer for B4A and iUI8 for B4i


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Firebase Crashlytics
Update 2.0:
  1. Based on the new SDK.
  2. Added option to check if any crash happens during the last run.
  3. Added option to check if there are any unsent crash reports.
  4. Added option to manually send unsent crash reports.
  5. Added option to delete unsent crash reports.
  6. Added option to check if automatic report collection is enabled or not
  7. Added option to toggle automatic report collection
  8. Added option to send custom log to crashlytics
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