BANano v2.07
1. NEW Abstract Design system using your own Custom Views: tutorial
2. The signature of BuildAsLibrary has changed: it doesn't need parameters anymore and generates the files in the Additional Libraries folder immidiately.
3. Support for the Const keyword
4. You can now use inline CSS with the #if CSS tag. This can be useful if you want to quickly have a small CSS class that you want to use.
Bacause this CSS is saved in the HTML file, it is strongly advised to create a sperate CSS file if this becomes to big.
#if CSS
.tablehover {
background-color: #F0F0F0;
#End If
#Region Internal Events
public Sub RowMouseEnter(event As BANanoEvent)
Dim row As BANanoElement
row.Initialize("#" & event.ID)
End Sub
public Sub RowMouseLeave(event As BANanoEvent)
Dim row As BANanoElement
row.Initialize("#" & event.ID)
End Sub
#End Region
5. The layout properties support boolean, int and float. Colors are translated to a string but as rgba(255,2255,255,1.0).
6. I've completed the Skeleton CSS library. Just the basics, but can be extended by whoever feels like it.
7. Support for getters and setters (using the lowercased prefixes set/get)
8. Support for Smart Formatting. Just wrap your text into a BANano.SF()
Supported Smart formatting Tags:
{B}{/B}: Bold
{I}{/I}: Italic
{U}{/U}: Underline
{SUB}{/SUB}: Subscript
{SUP}{/SUP}: Superscript
{BR}: Line break
{WBR}: Word break opportunity
{NBSP}: Non breakable space
{/AL}: Link, opening a new tab
{/AS}: Link, not opening a new tab
{C:#RRGGBB}{/C}: Color
}{/ST}: Add specific styles e.g. {ST:font-size:0.9rem;color:#2B485C}My text in font-size 0.9rem{/ST}
{IC:#RRGGBB}{/IC}: Icons (if the correct .css or font is loaded) e.g. {IC:#FFFFFF}fa fa-refresh{/IC}
mElement.SetHTML(BANano.SF("I'm {C:#FF0000}{U}row " & (i+1) & "{/U}{/C} of a multi layout!"))
9. Bug Fixes in the transpiler