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New version 0.962

Accelerated Surface

New version 0.962:
I added two examples:
- Fireworks: it shows a basic particle system with three different particle emitters (circle-shaped, spiral-shaped, fountain-shaped);
- PrincessTiles: this demonstrates a few professional techniques used in 2D games with a tiled map. The same techniques can be used in a platform game. The hero is moved with the accelerometer.
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New version b3


Beta 3:
I fixed the remaining issues with Next. Next for contacts is renamed NextContact, and Next for joints is renamed NextJoint.
I added four events: BeginContact, EndContact, PreSolve, PostSolve. To take them into account, use the jbWorld function: setContactListener.


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Accelerated surface

Download the version 1.0

The version 1.0 has undergone significant changes and does not offer backward compatibility with version 0.9x.

The changelog is too important to be listed here. Many functions have been removed because their usefulness was not obvious or they were not efficient. There are new classes (AS_Object, AS_Path, AS_Text) and new functions (DrawObjectAt, SaveState, RotateCanvas, CreateLayer, Merge, SetDensity, ...). There's a help file with the complete list.

All examples have been updated, and I added three examples (one of them is a tool to create nice titles).


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WebViewExtras updated to version 1.37

Fixes a bug where the WebChromeClient failed to properly handle a file upload form on a web page.



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Accelerated Surface v1.1

Accelerated Surface v1.1

In this new version:
- I added the PathEffects (SetPathEffect, SetPathEffect2, AddToPathEffect);
- I added DrawBitmapMesh (the bitmap is drawn through a mesh made of numerous nodes; it's useful to distort a bitmap or apply it on a 3D object);
- I added two examples to illustrate the PathEffects functions and DrawBitmapMesh;
- I added the Get/SetAlpha functions for AS_Object and AS_Text;
- I added the GetWidth and GetHeight functions for AS_Object;
- I improved the error checking;
- I fixed a minor bug in the TextFactory example.

That's probably the last version because this library is rich enough, and the number of functions that benefit from the hardware acceleration is limited.

Download the new version (1.11)

EDIT: I released a version 1.11 that fixes three bugs in v1.1.
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Parse SDK Updated

Parse have just notified me of an update to the Parse SDK that should improve the reliability of Push Notifications.

If you have downloaded the Parse SDK 1.2.4 then go and get SDK 1.2.5, extract Parse-1.2.5.jar, rename it to ParseNative.jar and replace your existing ParseNative.jar.


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Hi there...

CIniFile - Allow to handle app configuration file in Ini format
ImageStock - instead of loads into your projects a bunch of image files, you can create a large image that contains them all, and give them a key to retrieve them easily
AHPreferenceActivity 1.03 - based on Corwin42 AHPreferenceActivity, adds AddEditText2 method allow you to specify InputType of entry object

happy coding!
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