B4J Code Snippet sunrise and sunset sub

for a domotica system i'm building with rasp and esp8266 i needed a piece of sunset code
I found something in the b4a section, but bit to complicated
this code i used for many years with the mbed domotica system, and works fine.
It's not really "my" code, found it somewhere on the net and now converted to java
May be someone can use it, or improve it....


  • Sunrise.bas
    5.1 KB · Views: 556


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Longtime User

great, thanks a lot for this class. this is exactly what i needed!!


Licensed User
Longtime User
hi, there

is there any way to allow the class to take in account the elevation of the lat lon location when calculating the sunrise and sunset?


Licensed User
Longtime User
this is a good question. i dont really know.

i have this class that is working fine and i wanted to make comparison with yours. but yours is missing elevation

Sub Class_Globals
    Private PI As Double = 3.141592653589793
    Private EarthRadius As Double = 6371.0 ' Earth's radius in kilometers
    Private AtmosphericRefraction As Double = 34.0 / 60.0 ' in degrees, typically 34 arcminute
    Private fixMinutes As Double
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Sub CalculateSunriseSunset(lat As Double, lon As Double, elev As Double, tz As Double, year As Int, month As Int, day As Int, isSunrise As Boolean) As Double
    ' Convert the date to Julian date
    Dim Jday As Double = JulianDate(year, month, day)
    Dim Jcentury As Double = (Jday - 2451545.0) / 36525.0
    ' Calculate the sun's mean anomaly
    Dim M As Double = 357.52911 + Jcentury * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * Jcentury)
    M = Bit.FMod(M,360)
    ' Calculate the sun's true longitude
    Dim C As Double = (1.914602 - Jcentury * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * Jcentury)) * Sin(DegToRad(M)) + (0.019993 - 0.000101 * Jcentury) * Sin(DegToRad(2 * M)) + 0.000289 * Sin(DegToRad(3 * M))
    Dim Lsun As Double =  Bit.FMod((280.46646 + Jcentury * (36000.76983 + 0.0003032 * Jcentury) + C),360)
    ' Calculate the sun's right ascension
    Dim RA As Double = RadToDeg(ATan(0.91764 * Tan(DegToRad(Lsun))))
    RA = Bit.FMod(RA + 360,360)
    ' Right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as Lsun
    Dim Lquadrant As Int = Floor(Lsun / 90) * 90
    Dim RAquadrant As Int = Floor(RA / 90) * 90
    RA = RA + (Lquadrant - RAquadrant)
    RA = RA / 15 ' Convert to hours
    ' Calculate the sun's declination
    Dim sinDec As Double = 0.39782 * Sin(DegToRad(Lsun))
    Dim cosDec As Double = Cos(ASin(sinDec))
    ' Calculate the sun's local hour angle
    Dim zenith As Double = 90.833 + AtmosphericRefraction + AdjustForElevation(elev)
    Dim cosH As Double = (Cos(DegToRad(zenith)) - sinDec * Sin(DegToRad(lat))) / (cosDec * Cos(DegToRad(lat)))
    ' Ensure cosH is within the range of -1 to 1
    If cosH > 1 Then
        Return -1 ' The sun never rises on this location on the specified date
    Else If cosH < -1 Then
        Return -1 ' The sun never sets on this location on the specified date
    End If
    Dim H As Double
    If isSunrise Then
        H = 360 - RadToDeg(ACos(cosH))
        H = RadToDeg(ACos(cosH))
    End If
    H = H / 15 ' Convert to hours
    ' Calculate local mean time of rising/setting
    Dim T As Double = H + RA - (0.06571 * (Jday - 2451545.0)) - 6.622
    ' Adjust back to UTC
    Dim UT As Double = T - (lon / 15)
    UT = Bit.FMod((UT + 24), 24) ' Ensure UT is within 0-24 range
    ' Convert UTC to local time
    Dim localT As Double = UT + tz
    localT = Bit.FMod(localT + 24,24) ' Ensure localT is within 0-24 range
    If isSunrise Then 'fix for sunset
        fixMinutes = 1.25/60 '
        localT = localT - fixMinutes
        fixMinutes = 7/60 '
        localT = localT - fixMinutes
    End If
    If localT < 0 Then localT = localT + 24 'fix if is negative value
    Return localT
End Sub

public Sub JulianDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As Double
    If month <= 2 Then
        year = year - 1
        month = month + 12
    End If
    Dim A As Int = Floor(year / 100)
    Dim B As Int = 2 - A + Floor(A / 4)
    Return Floor(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + Floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + B - 1524.5
End Sub

Sub DegToRad(deg As Double) As Double
    Return deg * PI / 180
End Sub

Sub RadToDeg(rad As Double) As Double
    Return rad * 180 / PI
End Sub

public Sub ConvertToTime(d As Double) As String
    Dim hour As Int = Floor(d)
    Dim minute As Int = Floor((d - hour) * 60)
    Dim seconds As Int = (((d - hour) * 60) - Floor((d - hour) * 60)) * 60
    Return NumberFormat2(hour, 2, 0, 0, False) & ":" & NumberFormat2(minute, 2, 0, 0, False) & ":" & NumberFormat2(seconds, 2, 0, 0, False)
End Sub

public Sub TimeToDouble(TimeString As String) As Double
    Dim parts() As String = Regex.Split(":", TimeString)
    Dim hours As Int = parts(0)
    Dim minutes As Int = parts(1)
    Dim seconds As Int = 0
    If parts.Length = 3 Then seconds = parts(2)
    Dim totalSeconds As Int = (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds
    Dim totalSecondsInDay As Int = 24 * 3600
    Return totalSeconds / totalSecondsInDay
End Sub

public Sub AdjustForElevation(elev As Double) As Double
    Dim angle As Double = RadToDeg(ACos(EarthRadius / (EarthRadius + elev / 1000)))
    Return angle
End Sub

maybe you can understand where to put the elevation in your class


Licensed User
Longtime User
actually you are 100% right

public Sub AdjustForElevation(elev As Double) As Double
    Dim angle As Double = RadToDeg(ACos(EarthRadius / (EarthRadius + elev / 1000)))
    Return angle
End Sub


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its a long time ago, but looking at the refraction i think this could be the key ?
dfo = rads*(0.5*SunDia + AirRefr)


Licensed User
Longtime User
ok i think i got it. i need to convert it back to radians since the method return in degree.
thank you very much ?
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