Fragments truly are challenging. I believe the thing to remember is that the greatest appeal of B4A is that it simplifies development concepts. Providing for modularization and code sharing within a project, and even across projects is what we want. There is something wrong when you find yourself copying large blocks of code and layout between activities, either in how you are thinking about the problem, or in what the tools are requiring of you. Anyone developing for say Windows Forms, for example, can picture how they want to approach a complex task, and looking for such solutions in Android Fragments is frustrating at best. I think that rather than supporting native fragments, which is not a cross platform solution, but rather a fragment-like concept where there is perhaps an underlying notion of subordination for activities and layouts that might built into B4A runtime, and hopefully can be abstracted to iOS as well. I'm not yet a master of B4A (yet), but I like what I see so far. If you provide simplification of screen modularization in the mobile planet, then the world will beat a path to your door.