The following SVG image throws numberformat exception.
If appears to be objecting to width="45.86mm" height="45.51mm" if I manually edit out the mm to give width="45.86" height="45.51" it draws ok (except for leaving the scaling undefined). Is this a bug in the library or in the underlying android lib?
Unfortunately I've got to handle 1000's of images like this.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
<!--Generated by ucancode v1.0-->
<svg width="45.86mm" height="45.51mm" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" xmlns:a="" xmlns=""
<path style="fill:#b41464;fill-rule:nonzero;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;" d=" M 10.60 19.77 L 21.45 10.44 L 22.33 9.87 L 53.86 69.94 L 35.42 29.38 L 56.06 68.39 L 55.81 67.57 L 53.96 67.57 L 53.19 68.39 z " />
<path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.71px;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;" d=" M 12.83 68.74 L 52.83 18.60 L 52.94 68.42 L 53.04 68.24 L 53.22 68.10 L 53.43 67.93 L 53.61 67.82 L 53.89 67.82 L 54.21 67.75 L 54.50 67.82 L 54.99 68.00 L 55.38 68.24 L 55.56 68.67 L 55.56 68.92 L 55.56 69.09 L 55.45 69.38 L 55.38 69.52 L 55.17 69.70 L 54.99 69.77 L 54.78 69.87 L 54.50 69.94 L 54.21 69.94 L 53.89 69.94 L 53.61 69.87 L 53.33 69.70 " />
If appears to be objecting to width="45.86mm" height="45.51mm" if I manually edit out the mm to give width="45.86" height="45.51" it draws ok (except for leaving the scaling undefined). Is this a bug in the library or in the underlying android lib?
Unfortunately I've got to handle 1000's of images like this.