Android Question SweetAlertDialog: Prevent back key from closing dialog?


Active Member
Licensed User
Maybe a long shot since DonManfred released this library in 2016, but was anyone able to find a way to prevent the SweetAlertDialog from closing when the back key is pressed?
Sometimes I do not want the user to be able to close the dialog with the back key.


Active Member
Licensed User
It is not possible. This is how modal things works in Anroid.

As the lib is from 2016 i know i do not have the source anymore.

Life with it or find another library you can use.
Thanks for the reply. I guess I can live with it and only use it to replace msgbox/Toast.
Other libraries are just not as pretty ?
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Thanks for the reply. I guess I can live with it and only use it to replace msgbox/Toast.
Other libraries are just not as pretty ?

If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then

sweet.showCancelButton(True).showContentText(True).withCancelText("No").withConfirmText("Si").withContentText("Desea abandonar la aplicación").withTitleText("Salir").show
Return True
End If
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