First let me introduce myself, my name is Raoul and Im from the Netherlands. Programming is a hobby of mine which I once in a while pick-up again. The most 'programs' I build are actually access databases. So I consider my skills still to be novice.
Anyhow, I came across with the program and bought it so I can play around a little bit with it.
So I did.... unfortunatly I now have a problem on which I hope someone can help me with. In attached project you find a little program which fairly simple. The blok moves and bounces of the wall. You can reposition it by clicking (tapping) in the screen. My next step would be changing it direction by swiping and eventually also adjusting speed by the swipe.
Unfortuatly it's been over 10 years since Ive done mathematics and I can't recall how to calculate the increase or decrease of x and y. Can someone help me out?
First let me introduce myself, my name is Raoul and Im from the Netherlands. Programming is a hobby of mine which I once in a while pick-up again. The most 'programs' I build are actually access databases. So I consider my skills still to be novice.
Anyhow, I came across with the program and bought it so I can play around a little bit with it.
So I did.... unfortunatly I now have a problem on which I hope someone can help me with. In attached project you find a little program which fairly simple. The blok moves and bounces of the wall. You can reposition it by clicking (tapping) in the screen. My next step would be changing it direction by swiping and eventually also adjusting speed by the swipe.
Unfortuatly it's been over 10 years since Ive done mathematics and I can't recall how to calculate the increase or decrease of x and y. Can someone help me out?
'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public DirX As Float
Public DirY As Float
Dim StartX As Float
Dim StartY As Float
Public touch As Boolean
Public touchtime As Int
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Dim image1 As ImageView
Dim timer1 As Timer
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
timer1.initialize("timer1", 50)
If image1.IsInitialized() Then
image1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"blok.png")
Activity.AddView(image1, 1,1,25,25)
End If
End If
timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, x As Float, Y As Float)
Activity.Title = x & " " & Y
image1.Top = Y - image1.Height/2
image1.Left = x -image1.Width/2
' Log(Action)
Select Action
Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
StartX = x
touch = True
StartY = Y
Case Activity.ACTION_UP
Select True
Case (x < StartX)
If (x-StartX)/(Y-StartY) < 0 Then
DirX = (Y-StartY)/(x-StartX)
DirX = (Y-StartY)/(x-StartX) *-1
End If
Case (x > StartX)
If (x-StartX)/(Y-StartY) < 0 Then
DirX = (Y-StartY)/(x-StartX) *-1
DirX = (Y-StartY)/(x-StartX)
End If
End Select
' Select True
' Case (Y < StartY)
' If ((Y-StartY)/(x-StartX)) < 0 Then
' DirY = (Y-StartY)/(x-StartX)
' Else
' DirY = (Y-StartY)/(x-StartX)*-1
' End If
' Case (Y > StartY)
' If ((Y/StartY)/(x-StartX)) < 0 Then
' DirY = (Y-StartY)/(x-StartX)
' Else
' DirY = ((Y-StartY)/(x-StartX))*-1
' End If
' End Select
End If
'disable the touchflag
touch = False
End Select
Log(DirX & " dirx" )
Log(DirY & " diry" )
End Sub
Sub Swipe(Left As Boolean)
If Left Then Msgbox("Left", "") Else Msgbox("Right", "")
End Sub
Sub timer1_Tick
Dim x1 As Int
Dim y1 As Int
Dim x2 As Int
Dim y2 As Int
If touch = True Then
touchtime= touchtime+1
End If
'this Is the movement of the image.
'In Case it exceeds the Activity dimension, the direction Is reversed
Select True
Case (image1.Top <0):
DirY = DirY * -1
Case ((image1.Top+image1.Height) > Activity.Height):
DirY = DirY * -1
End Select
Select True
Case (image1.Left< 0):
DirX = DirX * -1
Case ((image1.Left+image1.Width) > Activity.Width):
DirX = DirX * -1
End Select
' Log("dirx" & DirX)
' Log("diry" & DirY)
' move the actual image
image1.Top = image1.Top + DirY
image1.Left = image1.left + DirX
End Sub
Sub but_slow_Click
Select True
Case (DirX<0):
DirX= DirX+1
Case (DirX>0):
End Select
Select True
Case (DirY<0):
Case (DirY>0):
End Select
End Sub
Sub but_fast_Click
Select True
Case (DirX<0):
Case (DirX>0):
End Select
Select True
Case (DirY<0):
Case (DirY>0):
End Select
End Sub