To swipe left-right from one activity to another without panels, buttons or tabs.
Put this code in each activity to swipe.
Put this code in each activity to swipe.
Swipe left-right between activities:
Sub Globals
Dim Xprevious As Float
End sub
Sub Activity_Resume
Xprevious = 0
End Sub
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
If Action= Activity.ACTION_MOVE Then
If Xprevious = 0 Then Xprevious = X
End If
If Action = Activity.ACTION_UP Then
If X > 0 And X - Xprevious > 400 And Xprevious > 0 Then '400 = swipe distance
If X > 0 And X - Xprevious < -400 Then '-400 = swipe distance
End If
End If
Xprevious = 0
End If
End Sub