Android Question Tabhost AddTabWithIcon ??


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i am trying to use the tabhost view in my app and i am creating 3 pages in activity create

but i dont know why the tabs are added but without an icon.

this is my code:

    Dim p1ic1,p1ic2,p2ic1,p2ic2,p3ic1,p3ic2 As Bitmap
    p1ic1 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"p1ic1.png")
    p1ic2 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"p1ic2.png")
    p2ic1 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"p2ic1.png")
    p2ic2 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"p2ic2.png")
    p3ic1 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"p3ic1.png")
    p3ic2 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"p3ic2.png")

    TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon("זמנים ",p1ic1,p1ic2,"page1")
    TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon("תפילות ",p2ic1,p2ic2,"page2")
    TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon("הגדרות ",p3ic1,p3ic2,"page3")

am i doing something wrong?

Edit: found a thread where @Erel allready said that:

Starting from Android 4 the icon will only appear if there is no text.

another question, because i am adding a new tab and not edit an existing tab should i put that code only if FirstTime True??


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You should never create UI items only when FirstTime is true.

thanx erel, so the creating of tabpages should be in FIRSTTIME = TRUE??

because in the example here they are not... why?

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Dim bmp1, bmp2 As Bitmap
    bmp1 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ic.png")
    bmp2 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ic_selected.png")
    TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Name", bmp1, bmp2, "page1") 'load the layout file of each page
    TabHost1.AddTab("Color", "page2")
    TabHost1.AddTab("Animal", "page3")
End Sub
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Based on Erels answer you should do it always when activity_create is called. NOT just when Firsttime = true

the word "only" is confusing..

like this i would agree with u and also would not keep asking:

You should never create UI items when FirstTime is true.

EDIT: ok after reading it 5 times it makes more sense...
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B4X founder
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I know that every app start activity create will be called, my question was (in different words) is a tabhost like a list?
TabHost is a UI element. UI elements cannot be declared in Process_Globals (because they hold a reference to the current activity). So you cannot treat it like a list.
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Longtime User
Ok erel, it is now already clear for me that a tabhost is a ui element and not like a list.

Thank you anyway for making it more clear for me
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