Table Help


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Is their a programmatic way to de-select a row that has been previously selected from a table?

Any help will be appreciated.


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I've noticed that calling SelectCell and setting as index 0, it works on PPC and on Windows it generates System.ArgumentException

I'm wrong?


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I've done some test and I've understood why I receive the exception.

I've done this tiny example to let other users avoid this "issue", that is not a real issue.

if the SelectCell is called and the form is not visible, it generates Exception.
If the form is visible, the function is ok.

For users: If you click on the button repeatly when the form is visible, the selected row is no more selected. It's necessary to give the focus on the table to select it. This happens only on Windows, not Windows Mobile.

how from code I can determine if form is visible?
I have to use a boolean, because I've seen that in Form methods there is only Enabled, not Visible.
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Hem yes, but the Form object?

If I use Form.Visible I generate an exception!


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Ok, maybe now I'm a bit drunk, but If I use Formname.Visible property I receive an error.

The example I attached WON'T work for me.

So, if the one of the controls of the form returns False, the form is hidden.
The only control that doesn't have the Visible Property, is Form!

Ok, if this is the logic... but for me a .Visible property associated to the Form, is a better way to determine if the form is visible or not.

Sorry for my "ignorance"
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Ok, Klaus, maybe I've not explained my think correctly.

I've understood this, I've expressed only my opinion about the less of .Visible property for Form object.

Now I've explained correctly this?

We are spending our time on this thread. It's my fault maybe, to not explain correctly in english what I mean.

Sorry for this, then.
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