TableSort, there's a way to remove a Sort in a table?


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I've read on some posts that a TableSort is forever (like diamonds).
There's a way to remove it, so the data can be displayed according to the order of the file?

To solve this on a data with has been sorted with TableSort
  • I've used SaveCSV to dump data
  • then I've used Dispose method on table
  • then I've used AddTable to recreate it
  • then I've used LoadCSV to repopulate it
It's too stupid or can be a way to do this?

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Hello ghale,

sorry but you have to clear the table and to load the file into the table again to get the "original" order of the rows...

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I'll assure you that yersterday evening THIS CODE doesn't work on my mobile!!
Now it works.

So, I think that in my code there was something other that don't let me "unsort" the table contents.
So I've used the #1 post solution.

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