Android Question TabStrip Programming Technic

Richard Goh

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Hi all,

I am trying to create a program using TabStrip with 3 tabpages (Open, InProgress & Closed). These 3 tabpages will display a list of records which have the same display & information except with filtered by status. There is no problem to create 3 desginers screens (OpenView, InProgrssView & ClosedView) with 3 customListView (OpenCLV, InProgressCLV & ClosedCLV) and load them into each tabpage. But this will create an extra works for later maintenance & support. I would like to seek yours expertise on any better way to code it? Any idea or suggestion is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Longtime User
First of all don't use tab strip. You can use wobble menu and use the same xCustomListview to display the data which will be displayed upon selection in wobble. Using this way renders your app cross platform instead of Android specific with tab strip.
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Richard Goh

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Thanks Hatzisn for your fast response. Will look into your suggestion on this. tqvm.
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Alexander Stolte

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