Wish Tag field filled with "Name" through a tool option in the visual designer.

Fernando Solá

Licensed User
Longtime User
I've read some posts of people wanting to know or needing to access the "Name" of a view through code... wich of course doesn't really exist. So, kind of following the VB way of gaining access to objects (views in this case) by name, it would really be nice if within the Visual Designer existed an option (maybe a Checkmark option in the tools menu?) to fill the Tag field with the "name" of the view in an automatic way. Anyway, currently it can be done manually, so it is not something that is a matter of life and death for an app, and even though it is a little bit more work for programmers, we do have a work around.

I know there are tons of wishes for more pressing needs and other features that could make it easier for programmers to code in a more efficient way. I have some in mind, but this one in particular could solve the recurring question in the forum of how to retrieve the name of a view at runtime or through code.

Thanks in advance for reading this as well of all the time you invest in developing and in the forum, effort in every way, and the great job giving us this awesome tool.
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