Android Code Snippet Taking SquareRoot in SQL

SQLite doesn't have SQTR as a standard function, so you would normally do this in code.
There is a way though to do this in SQL with a CTE:

 strSQL = "update Table1 set xValue = (" & _
    "with Guesses(FindRootOf, " & _
    "guessRoot) as (" & _
    "select xValue, " & _
    "case when xValue < 0 then null else xValue / 2.0 end " & _
    "union " & _
    "select FindRootOf, " & _
    "(GuessRoot + FindRootOf / GuessRoot) / 2.0 As NewGuessRoot " & _
    "from Guesses " & _
    "where GuessRoot > 0.0) " & _
    "select GuessRoot " & _
    "from Guesses " & _
    "order by abs(GuessRoot * GuessRoot - FindRootOf) limit 1)"

This is about 4x faster than taking the values with a select statement, taking the SQRT in B4A code and
updating the new value back.


RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Didn't quote the code properly:

 strSQL = "update Table1 set xValue = (" & _
    "with Guesses(FindRootOf, " & _
    "guessRoot) as (" & _
    "select xValue, " & _
    "case when xValue < 0 then null else xValue / 2.0 end " & _
    "union " & _
    "select FindRootOf, " & _
    "(GuessRoot + FindRootOf / GuessRoot) / 2.0 As NewGuessRoot " & _
    "from Guesses " & _
    "where GuessRoot > 0.0) " & _
    "select GuessRoot " & _
    "from Guesses " & _
    "order by abs(GuessRoot * GuessRoot - FindRootOf) limit 1)"



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strSQL = $"update Table1 set xValue = (
    with Guesses(FindRootOf, 
    guessRoot) as (
    select xValue, 
    case when xValue < 0 then null else xValue / 2.0 end 
    select FindRootOf, 
    (GuessRoot + FindRootOf / GuessRoot) / 2.0 As NewGuessRoot 
    from Guesses 
    where GuessRoot > 0.0) 
    select GuessRoot 
    from Guesses
    order by abs(GuessRoot * GuessRoot - FindRootOf) limit 1)"$

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Can't test now, but not sure this will work.
You would for example get no endunion.
Or am I somehow mistaken with this?
Can't see it figuring out where spaces should be.



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RB Smissaert

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But I specified the end of line spaces and they are needed as far as I know.
They are needed if you want to concat the next line using the codestructure you were using.

dim a as string = "codeline..... _

Using Smart String Literal it is NOT needed at all.

Try it yourself! You´ll see it will be easier to construct such QUERIES.

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Of course, the smart literal will recognize the line breaks, just as SQL will do, so yes, of course it will work.
Didn't think of this and indeed this is quite nice and will use.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Didn't think of this and indeed this is quite nice and will use.
Note that the smart string literals have also other excellent features, like:



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hopefully, after all this fun, somebody will fine this SQL SQRT method useful to know
For any of us to understand what you did:
1. You should follow the guidelines of a 'Code Snippet' when posting a snippet.
2. You should explain and identify what all columns and variables are.
3. You should have a concrete example that one can follow or better yet include a small project that illustrates the concept.
4. What kind of test did you conduct to find out it is 4x faster than...
5. And yes, string literals for such a complex SQL statement is the way to go.

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