B4A Library Tapit Ads wrapper

Hello All, i've updated this wrapper to Version 1.7, it uses the Tapit's latest SDK, better performance, i apologize for taking so long in updating it, please feel free to report any problems with this library.
You can add Interstitial, Full Screen, Banner and Prompt Ads with this library, Wall offer and Video Ads are not working yet.
All the permissions are included in the library, so there's no need to add them manually on your manifest file.

There's an example included so you can test it out, theres also documentation included that will help you start implementing this library right away, just add the TapitV1.7.xml, TapitV1.7.jar and TapitAdview.jar files to your additional libraries folder
and you're ready to start adding ads to your applications.

The library can be downloaded from here


For processing some ORMMA feature like playing embedded video please
add this before the </application>:
<activity android:name="com.tapit.adview.ormma.util.OrmmaActionHandler"/>

you also need this in your xml file to display the ads
<activity android:name="com.tapit.adview.AdActivity"
android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|ori entation"/>

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I cannot get Tapit to work in any way. This is what I have been trying to do.

There are 2 B4A plugins for Tapit available now. One is version 1.0, available in this thread created by Walter. Other is by Tapit which is version 1.3.

I first tried Tapit's version. I added the Manifest entries and all and registered my app at Tapit site. I then created a banner for tablet and provided the zone id. When I run the app, all I see is a white color view without any ad.

Then I tried Walter's plugin in this thread and I believe it works for banners. Because when I run the app, I can at least see a message in that white space, saying my zone id is not approved yet. But when I tried to load a video ad and interstitial ad, I get error messages in log like "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: setShowCloseButtonTime" and "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: setIsShowPhoneStatusBar". I believe this is because the new versions of SDK doesn't have these methods any more.

So this is my situation. Is Tapit working for anyone?


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Tapit ads

Hi there, yes you are correct i think the sdk version you are using is outdated, i'm currently working on updating the plug in, please be advised that the video and offer wall ads still do not work, only Full screen, Interstitial, PrompAds and banner ads are currently working, I will send you an example and the library files once i finish testing it!

Sorry about any troubles!



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Hello Walter,

in trying to get this working, I have been successful with the banner and AdPrompt, but am having an issue with the interstitial and fullscreen. (getting "no creatives available" for the videoview, and I don't see offerwall offered as an App Placement, but do see: Leaderboard and Medium Rectangle)

Here is the problem Log:

Here is my manifest editor:

and my generated manifest:

(don't know why those spaces are showing in "orientation" and "OrmmaActionHandler", as they are not like that in my generated file. Just when I paste them here. ???)

Just wondering what I'm doing wrong with the Manifest, as "I" see it in there.




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Thanks much! Defininetly don't understand the manifest properties all that well... Thanks for all the support! I think my Pro sales might be close to paying for my initial investment with downloading B4A, and I appreciate all the help here! (hopefull adding ads will help out with getting above that level! )
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