Android Question targetSdkVersion="34" is it ready?


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They ridiculously release new sdks constantly.

Each time i boot up my Android studio i get gradle notification to update my sdk to the latest version, now its sdk 35
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Flavio SOuza

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I received this warning within the Google play dashboard:

"Your app must target Android 14 (API level 34) or higher. Fix by August 30."
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Well-Known Member
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I received this warning within the Google play dashboard:

"Your app must target Android 14 (API level 34) or higher. Fix by August 30."
You can set the targetsdk to higher version. But you need to test your app before publishing it to update in play store. @Erel Said already that he is testing the changes. And for sure will take care of it in any future release of b4a.

Refrence to migrate to higher targetsdk.

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Flavio SOuza

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Thank you for the help. If I don’t update the app by August 30th, the app won’t be able to receive any more updates.

Thank you for the information. I’ll test it and get back to you!
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